IRIS General Announcements

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Active Message Threads for June 2021

IRIS is pleased to provide an update on the acquisition of portable magnetotelluric (MT) instruments and our ongoing development of new resources for MT Principal Investigators (PIs). This work is supported by the National Science Foundation as part of the SAGE facility, operated by IRIS and its partners. Instrumentation for Portable Deployments The PASSCAL Instrument Center <> (PIC) has 12 new LEMI-424 long-pe… [more]
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Dear Community: As many of you have noted from the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 21-097) released today, NSF has issued a major change in plans for its Future Geophysical Facilities. In particular, based on the Dear Colleague Letter, we understand that, instead of being the focus of an immediate recompetition, the ongoing scope and programs of SAGE and GAGE will be extended under the current community governance structure until September 30, 2025. The staff and Boards of IRIS and UNAVCO a… [more]
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