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Active Message Threads for August 2022

Institution: University of Houston Open Until: 2022-10-31 The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) at the University of Houston (UH) invites applications for two tenure-track, Assistant Professor, positions in the broad fields of Igneous Petrology/Geochemical Dynamics and Planetary Geology/Cosmochemistry. EAS seeks dynamic researchers and educators who can establish broad and externally funded research programs and who will use the state-of-the-art facilities within EAS. Pos… [more]
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The Caltech Seismo Lab is looking for a full-time Seismic Data Analyst to work with the Southern California Seismic Network. This is an operational position primarily tasked with earthquake timing and occasional data quality checks. Experienced analysts also participate in the duty seismologist rotation for large magnitude earthquake response. There may be additional opportunities to assist with social media, research, or other tasks relating to seismic network operations. We're open to candi… [more]
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Samantha Wiser
2022-08-18 23:32:25
Institution: Alaska Earthquake Center Open Until: 2022-09-18 The Alaska Earthquake Center is hiring a GNSS Specialist to serve as the Center's expert resource for geodetic field installations, data acquisition, archival, dissemination, and quality assurance. We seek an individual with expert knowledge of real-time GNSS data acquisition and field infrastructure. We especially seek applicants with diverse (broadly defined) backgrounds that are historically underrepresented in STEM fields. The… [more]
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Dear IRIS community, Please see the announcement below for an open position of Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences - Natural Hazards and Extreme Climate Events at the University of Oregon and apologies about cross-posting. Regards, Diego Melgar ----------- Application Deadline Review of applications will begin on Nov. 15, 2022; position open until filled. Please submit documents here<… [more]
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Deanna Kaihara
2022-08-17 18:16:36
Institution: Dept of Conservation Open Until: 2022-08-26 Under the supervision of the Senior Civil Engineer, (Supervisor of the Data Utilization and Structure Response Unit), the Civil Engineer is responsible for performing engineering analyses and tasks utilizing engineering principles to support the real-time seismic instrumentation and monitoring of buildings, bridges, dams and various structures. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: If new to California State service, you will need to have taken an… [more]
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Allstadt, Kate
2022-08-17 16:53:38
The USGS Earthquake Science Center and Geologic Hazards Science Center invite applications to the Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program on a variety of research topics. Why is it great to work for USGS? We serve the Nation by providing reliable scientific information while valuing differences, encouraging each other, and collaborating to make new discoveries. Fellowships provide 2 years of salary and benefits, as well as funding to support the proposed research project. Interested candidates c… [more]
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Institution: INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Rome, Italy) Open Until: 2022-09-12 Dear colleagues (apologies for cross-posting), INGV has a vacant researcher position related to numerical modeling of earthquakes, tsunamis and assessment of their hazards. Deadline: 12 September 2022. The position is initially for 12 months, renewable based on performance. The successful candidate will work in Rome in a large group involved in several international research pro… [more]
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Institution: NORSAR Open Until: 2022-10-01 We have an opening for a 3-year Postdoctoral Research position to perform research on induced seismicity related to subsurface fluid injection. This posting is within NORSARs Applied Seismology Group, and the Postdoc will be integrated with and funded through the VISTA Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics at the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with the USGS Earthqua… [more]
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The USGS Mendenhall program has a post-doctoral opportunity (#21-36) for recent graduates, entitled: “Improving ground-motion characterization for the USGS earthquake hazard products: Nonergodic, simulation, machine learning, and intensity-based methods.” The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) produces several public-facing products meant to quantify and communicate earthquake hazard, mitigate earthquake risk, and improve post-event situational awareness. These include the National Seismic Hazard M… [more]
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Institution: Dept of Conservation Open Until: 2022-08-22 Under the supervision of the Senior Precision Electronics Specialist the Precision Electronics Specialist, utilizing an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles of precision electronic equipment (including accelerographic and data communications systems), is responsible for, but not limited to, seismologic and data communications technical research; system design; specification development; calibration; experimentation; tes… [more]
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Institution: Northern Arizona University Open Until: 2022-08-31 Northern Arizona University invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of the College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences (CEFNS). NAU seeks a strategic, visionary leader to shepherd a variety of highly ranked science, mathematics, and forestry degree programs, and to grow its globally recognized research enterprise. The dean will collaborate with the university’s academic leadership team in purs… [more]
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Institution: Géoazur (Sophia Antipolis, France) Open Until: 2022-08-19 We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher in seismological data denoising using Deep Learning. The successful applicant will work at Géoazur (Sophia Antipolis, French Riviera) in collaboration with Quentin Bletery, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Françoise Courboulex, Tony Monfret and Éric Calais in the framework of the OSMOSE ANR project (… [more]
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22:04:46 v.af9cd46b