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Active Message Threads for December 2016
Institution: IRIS PASSCAL
Open Until: 2017-06-01
The IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech solicits applications for a professional Data Specialist for seismology support operations. The PASSCAL Instrument Center supports both active and passive source seismology worldwide with end-to-end experiment support services, state-of-the-art portable seismic instrumentation, and advanced field and database management tools. The Data Specialist will work primarily at archiving data collecte…
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Dear IRIS,
The USGS has just opened a Linux IT position in Pasadena to help support
Earthquake Early Warning efforts. Could you please help us spread the
word? We're hoping to reach as many folks as possible this week, as the
application period is only open until Jan 4. Many thanks in advance for
helping us reach as many folks as we can as quickly as possible! Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year:)
Best regards,
*The USGS Earthquake Science Center Pasadena Offices is hiring I…
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The Institute of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) at ETH Zurich
(Switzerland) seeks a PhD student in the field of subglacial processes.
This project combines borehole experiments with seismic monitoring on
Alpine glaciers.
The ideal candidate is highly motivated, should hold a Master's degree in
geophysics, physics, applied mathematics, earth sciences, or engineering,
and is familiar with time series analysis on high-level programming
languages such as Matlab and Python. She/he will …
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Institution: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Open Until: 2017-01-13
Offshore Fault Evaluation Group, Research and Development (R&D) Center for Earthquake and Tsunami (CEAT) , JAMSTEC is soliciting applications for two positions as Project Engineer. The successful applicants on a project entitled “Comprehensive Evaluation of Offshore Fault Information Project” and sub-projects entitled "Collection of offshore seismic data and construction of database" (FY2013-FY2019, Co-inv…
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Institution: USGS
Open Until: 2017-01-09
The USGS Earthquake Science Center in Pasadena, California are hiring to support the mission of the Southern California Earthquake Monitoring Project.
The USGS is seeking motivated candidates for Physical Science Technician GS-1311-09/11 in Pasadena, California within the Pacific Region, Earthquake Science Center.
Earthquake Monitoring Project which includes the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN),
and the California Integrated Seismic …
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I am pleased to announce that we have an opening for a duty scientist
(watchstander) at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC):
Nathan C. Becker, Ph.D.
NOAA/NWS/Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
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We are seeking highly motivated Ph.D students and Postdoctoral researchers
for the Crustal Deformation and InSAR (CDI) group
( within the Earth Science and Engineering program
at King Abdullah University of Science and
Technology (KAUST).
KAUST is an international graduate-level research university with strong
funding and outstanding facilities. Located by the Red Sea in Saudi
Arabia, KAUST is dedicated to the highest standards of merit-based
opportunity, and seeks the …
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*The USGS Earthquake Science Center (Menlo Park, Pasadena, and Seattle
Offices) are hiring to support the mission of the Earthquake Early Warning
The USGS is seeking motivated candidates for the Earthquake Early Warning
(EEW) Regional Program Manager position. These positions are being offered
in Menlo Park, Pasadena, and Seattle, and involve the management and
operation of the ShakeAlert system ( in cooperation with
university partners at each of the regional seism…
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Research Position in Real Time GNSS Operations and Research at the U.S.
Geological Survey
The U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Center (ESC) seeks to fill a
research position within the broad areas of real time GNSS data acquisition
and processing, facilitating GNSS integration into earthquake early warning
efforts, and conducting basic research into crustal deformation processes.
This is a permanent position classified as a Research Geophysicist in
Pasadena, CA at the GS-13 or GS-14…
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Wendy Clarey
2016-12-08 16:29:27
Two positions are currently hiring at the Southern California Earthquake Center located at USC in Los Angeles.
Education Manager
The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) at the University of Southern California has an opening for an Education Program Manager in its Communication, Education, and Outreach (CEO) Program. SCEC is a leading earthquake science research and education organization with more than 700 scientists and students at more than 70 research institutions worldwide. …
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Yihe Huang
2016-12-08 15:50:56
Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Open Until: 2017-01-05
We’re looking for highly motivated PhD students to work on a broad spectrum of geophysical topics ranging from observations of earthquakes source parameters to earthquake rupture simulations. The students will have the opportunity to learn cutting-edge techniques in both seismic data analysis and numerical modeling to better assess and mitigate seismic hazards. The students will work in a collaborative environment and get ex…
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Peggy Johnson
2016-12-06 19:23:35
I would like to call your attention to a seismology/geophysics position
available at the National Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska.
The position closes Thursday December 15.
We are looking for recent grads and post-grads with a background in
seismology in particular. The ideal candidate is someone with a passion
for operations and applied earthquake seismology. We are a highly
operational organization. This is not a research position. When we need
research done, it is very empiric…
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Hanako Ihara
2016-12-02 02:13:36
Institution: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Open Until: 2017-02-03
Research and Development (R&D) Center for Ocean Drilling Science (ODS), JAMSTEC is soliciting applications for a few full-time TENURE-TRACK positions as Scientist or Technical Scientist. The successful applicants will be engaged in the third medium-term plan.
Details of the research at ODS can be found at
(1) Research and development on crustal …
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Institution: PNSN, University of Washington, Seattle
Open Until: 2017-02-01
The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) at the University of Washington (UW) is seeing a Postdoctoral Research Associate (job class code 0148) to address earthquake early warning and seismic hazards.
The individual will join an interdisciplinary team that is evaluating seismic hazards associated with the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and is implementing earthquake early warning (EEW) in the Pacific Northwest. The …
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Institution: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Open Until: 2017-02-28
Postdoc in Geophysical and Medical Imaging
Geophysics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
We seek outstanding candidates for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position to conduct interdisciplinary research in geophysical and medical imaging. The successful candidate will develop novel acoustic- and elastic-wave imaging and inversion/tomography methods, and apply them to seismic data for subsurface characterization and m…
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Two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships are available at University of Colorado Boulder through the CIRES Visiting Fellows Program. Completed application as well as letters of reference are due on January 9, 2017. Please see for more information about CIRES and the Visiting Fellows program.
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Institution: Stony Brook University
Open Until: 2017-01-16
The Department of Geosciences at Stony Brook University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty position in geophysics. We seek a candidate with the potential to carry out a program of research that can complement one or more of the department’s current and traditional research strengths in geodynamics, seism…