AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for September 2016

Dylan Mikesell
2016-09-29 23:23:04
Two late-breaking sessions are being added to the Seismology program at the 2016 Fall AGU meeting. The deadline for submitting an abstract is Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 23:59ET/3:59+1 GMT. The first-author rule is relaxed for the late-breaking sessions; authors may submit an abstract to the late-breaking sessions even if they also submitted an abstract at the August deadline. (If anyone has issues submitting, please reach out to for assistance.) Additional information can … [more]
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Dear Colleagues -- Please consider attending (and marking your calendar) this mini-workshop, to be held just prior to the 2016 Fall AGU Meeting on Sunday December 11, 2016. Thank You, Rick, Pascal, Katherine, Julie, Roy, Mike, and Derek EarthScope-type Canadian Cordillera Seismic Array and GPS Network Morning (before 1pm) EarthScope-type Canadian Cordillera Seismic Array and GPS Network Conveners: Rick Aster (Col… [more]
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Craig Bina
2016-09-01 17:24:43
Dear members of the IRIS community, The first joint meeting of the Japan Geoscience Union and the American Geophysical Union, "JpGU-AGU 2017", will be held in Kaihin-Makuhari, Chiba prefecture, just outside of Tokyo, during May 20-25, 2017. <> Scientific session proposals will be welcomed from September 1 through October 13, 2016. <> It would be nice to have significant IRIS representation at this meeting. Sincerely, … [more]
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