AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for February 2020

Dear Colleagues, We would like to kindly remind you of our session "S-SS04: Strong Ground Motion and Earthquake Disaster". The abstract submission deadline is approaching (Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020 at 17:00 JST). We hope you will submit your abstract to our session. S-SS04 Strong Ground Motion and Earthquake Disaster… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the session S-CG61: The Japan Trench: Learning from the 2011 M=9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, a decade later at the JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2020 and hope that you will consider submitting an abstract to this session. S-CG61: The Japan Trench: Learning from the 2011 M=9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, a decade later Session Scope: The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (M=9) and its devastating tsunami triggered numerous new studies of earthquake proces… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the session S-IT28: Mantle dynamic from thermochemical imaging from observable to numerical imaging at the JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2020 and hope that you will consider submitting an abstract to this session. Session description: The thermochemical structure of Earth mantle is key information to better understand its dynamics and its evolution in time. In the last 20 years, several approaches were suggested from seismological obser… [more]
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