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Active Message Threads for March 2019

Workshop on volatile recycling, tectonics and associated hazards in the Lesser Antilles 23-27 September 2019 in St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago The workshop will include sessions on: - Incoming Atlantic plate: structure and volatile storage - Structure and dynamics of the subduction mantle wedge - Arc structure, magmatic evolution and mineralisation - Tectonic evolution of the Lesser Antilles - Seismic and volcanic hazards - Comparisons with other arc systems As well as a 1-day… [more]
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Gabriel Lotto
2019-03-16 05:08:04
Megathrust Modeling Workshop - October 7-9, 2019 - www.sz4dmcs.org/megathrust-workshop<http://www.sz4dmcs.org/megathrust-workshop> Dear colleagues, Please save the date for the Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) Research Collaboration Network's (RCN) second workshop, which will focus on Modeling Subduction Zone Megathrusts. The MCS RCN was funded by NSF in autumn 2018 to explore the establishment of an integrative community modeling framework for subduction (see www.sz4dmcs.org<http:/… [more]
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The GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, organises annually International Training Courses on 'Seismology and Seismic Hazard Assessment' http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/centre/education-and-training/seismology/ The training courses provide theoretical fundamentals and practical training in applied seismology, for geoscientists and engineers from earthquake-prone developing countries. The program is particularly useful for seismological station and network operators, data interpreters … [more]
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