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Active Message Threads for July 2019

Allen Husker
2019-07-24 14:09:11
Sorry for resending the same email. I forgot to include that the deadline for submission is August 11. The Meeting is in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico from October 27 to November 1. The website is: https://www.raugm.org.mx/?lang=en Please consider submitting an abstract to the following special session: Mexican Geophysical Union Annual Meeting Special Session SE13 Title: 2017 Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec Earthquake Description: The 2017 Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake was one of the largest deep normal earth… [more]
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Anton Ziolkowski
2019-07-24 11:46:11
Dear Colleagues The abstract submission deadline for BSM2019 is coming up on July 28: http://bsm2019.isc.ac.uk/ We look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh. Anton Ziolkowski For the Local Organising Committee BSM2019: Frontiers of Seismology The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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Allen Husker
2019-07-23 19:10:11
Please consider submitting an abstract to the following special session: Mexican Geophysical Union Annual Meeting Special Session SE13 Title: 2017 Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec Earthquake Description: The 2017 Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake was one of the largest deep normal earthquakes ever recorded. Nonetheless it caused a tsunami and the largest number of aftershocks ever recorded in a Mexican earthquake. Plus there was the Mw 7.1 Puebla earthquake 11 days later (UTC), which it is still unclear if th… [more]
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Hi All - We have heard your requests for both EW and AQMS training and are excited to announce the first 3-Day AQMS/ Earthworm Course @ San Francisco, CA on 4 – 6 December 2019. This runs just prior to AGU. What is AQMS?? AQMS stands for ANSS (Advanced National Seismic System) Quake Monitoring System. AQMS is currently used by the United States regional seismic and volcano networks, and since the port of the back-end database to PostgreSQL, organizations outside the ANSS have started to ac… [more]
Dear Colleagues, On behalf of workshop organizers Amanda Thomas (Univ. of Oregon) and Eric Dunham (Stanford Univ.), I'd like to invite you to apply to participate in the MCS RCN's Megathrust Modeling Workshop here: https://forms.gle/TL8AkvUw9SdQhen59. The workshop is part of an NSF-funded Research Coordination Network (RCN) program, "Planning for a Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction Zone Science (MCS)." The objective of the program is to formulate a plan to develop an integrative modeling … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, *Greetings!* We are glad to seek your kind attention and encourage your abstracts submission in the upcoming 36th IGC (www.36igc.org) to be held in New Delhi, India during March 02-08, 2020. *Session 41.8 : Hydrology and Reservoir Dynamics* *Session Theme: **Quantification of Non-linear Geological Processes (* https://www.36igc.org/science-program*)* *Session Description:* Knowledge of hydrological processes and reservoir system is crucial for comprehensive understanding … [more]
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Hitoshi Kawakatsu
2019-07-02 15:40:01
Dear Colleagues, We'd like to draw your attention to the following session at 36th IGC held in Dheli, INDIA (March 2-8, 2020; www.36igc.org) Important dates are, Super early bird registration deadline: July 31 Abstract deadline: Aug. 31 ------------------------------------- Session 13.2 "Images of the Deep Earth and Geodynamics" (conveners: H Kawakatsu, C Faccenna, TW Becker) under Theme 13 "Imaging Earth's Interior": (https://www.36igc.org/science-program for Program) This symposium intend… [more]
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Stefan Lisowski
2019-05-08 02:14:12 - 2019-07-01 16:01:32
Hi All - For those who’re not able to make it to Germany for gempa’s English language course, or to Panama for their Spanish language course, ISTI is also offering an English language course in New York City in September. Here’s some info from the blurb on our web site: This course will be useful to anyone setting up, managing, tuning, or doing post-processing work on a SeisComP3 system. In the course, we will focus on the open source version of SeisComP3; free for non-commercial uses. … [more]
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