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Active Message Threads for July 2018

2018-07-31 18:18:15
Dear colleagues,
with the abstract submission deadline approaching swiftly (Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 23:59 EDT), we would like to kindly remind you of our session:
NS009: Near-Surface Geophysics and its Applicability to Volcanic Environments. <>
We invite contributions covering all aspects of near-surface geophysics, including theory, laboratory experiments, modeling, inversi…
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2018-07-31 18:15:36
Dear colleagues,
with the abstract submission deadline approaching swiftly (Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 23:59 EDT), we would like to kindly remind you of our session:
S023: On the symbiosis between fundamental and exploration geophysics <>
We invite contributions covering all disciplines of geophysics (e.g. Seismology, Electromagnetics, Potential Field Methods, Rock Physics) an…
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2018-07-27 07:01:04
Dear all,
I would like to draw your attention to our session S005 of the coming AGU Fall Meeting entitled "Earthquake Source Physics Inferred from Macroscopic Source Parameters and Seismicity Parameters."
We focus on earthquake source parameter studies, such as stress drops, radiated energy, moment rate functions (source time functions), moment tensor, magnitude, etc., in addition to seismicity parameter studies, such as b-values of the Gutenberg-Richter's law and ETAS parameters, and their…
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2018-07-26 19:11:43
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to invite abstract submissions to the first session on
environmental seismology (S008) at the AGU fall meeting this year. Please
consider contributing to this session aimed at bringing interdisciplinary
researchers together to learn about the wide range of novel applications
and methodologies for geophysical tools in Earth surface processes research!
*Session Title:* *(S008) Environmental seismology: using geophysical tools
for Earth surface processes research
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Dear colleagues,
With the abstract submission deadline approaching fast, we would like to
remind you of a session *NS001: Advances and Revelations from Geophysical
Exploration and Observation in the Cryosphere*, co-organized by*
Near-Surface* *Geophysics*, *Cryosphere *and *Seismology *sections.
Our invited presenters are Nate Lindsey (UC Berkeley) and Rob Bingham
(Univ. of Edinburgh).
For more information on the session and to submit an abstract, go to:…
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2018-07-26 01:13:29
Dear colleagues,
If you work on anything to do with the upper mantle, please consider
submitting an abstract to the following session at the 2018 AGU Fall
*T04 - Structure and dynamics of the upper mantle: Characterizing the
lithosphere-asthenosphere system from crust to transition zone *
The lithosphere-asthenosphere system accommodates the motions of the
lithospheric plates with respect to the underlying mantle. It is
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Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the session “Hydrogeophysics from Local to Global Scales” at the next AGU Fall Meeting (Washington D.C., 10-14 Dec 2018).
Please note that the abstract submission deadline is August 1st.
Session ID: 51336
Session Title: G014. Hydrogeophysics from Local to Global Scales
Session details: <>
Session Description:
Modern geod…
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2018-07-25 05:15:16
Hi all,
This is just to bring your attention to AGU session DI011. You are invited
to contribute to this session! For details, see below...
Taku, Alex, Johnny, and Maxim
Session Title:
Evolution and Interaction of the Mantle and Core
*Conveners:*Taku Tsuchiya (Ehime Univ.)
Teh-Ru "Alex" Song (UCL)
Maxim Ballmer (ETH)
Zhou "Johnny" Zhang (UCSD)
*Invited speakers:*
Lauren Waszek (New Mexico State, ANU)
Hiroko Watanabe (To…
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2018-07-24 18:22:52
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting a contribution to the following session at the
AGU 2018 Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. The deadline is approaching;
Wednesday, 1 August 23:59 EDT.
T028: Mountain Building in Collisional and Cordilleran Orogenic Systems
Session ID: 50493
Session Description:
Major global mountain belts are fundamentally linked to convergent plate
margin processes. Though new multidisciplinary datasets continu…
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2018-07-24 03:42:14
You are welcome to submit abstracts to the AGU session S014.
Session ID: 44231
Session Title: S014. Geophysical Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Utilization and Storage
Section/Focus Group: Seismology
Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 1 August 2018, 11:59 PM EDT
Lianjie Huang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Tom Daley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Bill Harbert, University of Pittsburgh
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Dear Colleagues,
I'd like to draw your attention to our session, T012 (De-)Cratonization
Dynamics, at the upcoming Fall 2018 AGU meeting in DC, described in detail
Please note the abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, August 1, 2018
at 23:59 EDT. and the meeting will be held on December 10-14, 2018 in
Washington D.C.
Session Title:
T012 (De-)Cratonization Dynamics
Session Description:
Cratons can record a complex genetic history, both within them and at their
margins, including…
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2018-07-23 08:18:10
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting:
* Session title: S034: Waveform and Tomographic Inversion for Natural and Induced Seismic Events
* Session description: We encourage abstracts on new developments in waveform and tomographic inversion approaches to determine source parameters from natural, induced, and secondary seismic events, as well as to build models of the Earth from those. We welcome contributions t…
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We wanted to bring to your attention that the Session 50507 during the
AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. (, and titled Application of
integrated, digital datasets to better inform Caribbean region: natural
hazards, resources, and governmental planning, will be a good
opportunity for presenting results of your research. Please consider
this kind invitation.
Session Description:
As in many other areas, new integrated, digital, and easy to access …
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2018-07-22 13:28:46
Dear Colleagues,
We welcome your contribution to T014: Deep Structure and Geodynamics of the Continental Convergence Zones. This is an interdisciplinary session of the geology and geophysics of crustal and mantle lithospheric structures under collisional orogenic belts.
T014: Deep Structure and Geodynamics of the Continental Convergence Zones
Old continents have thick lithospheres, complex deep structures and compositional variation, that in turn produce even more complexity during c…
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2018-07-20 05:36:01
Dear colleagues,
it is our great pleasure to announce our 2018 AGU Fall Meeting session:
On the symbiosis between fundamental and exploration geophysics
We invite contributions covering all disciplines of geophysics (e.g. Seismology, Electromagnetics, Potential Field Methods, Rock Physics) and all aspects (e.g. theory, numerical, laboratory, field), focused on the shared advances, technological developments and scientific discoveries made in either the fundamental or exploration geophysical…
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2018-07-20 04:20:41
Dear colleagues,
it is our great pleasure to announce our 2018 AGU Fall Meeting session on:
Near-Surface Geophysics and its Applicability to Volcanic Environments.
We invite contributions covering all aspects of near-surface geophysics, including theory, laboratory experiments, modeling, inversion, field experiments, equipment, as well as hydrological and geothermal applications. We would like the contributions to demonstrate a connection, or discussion of the applicability, to volcanic env…
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Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder of asking your contribution to the following session at the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. The deadline is approaching; Wednesday, 1 August 23:59 EDT.
S006: Earthquake Source Physics: Unified perspectives from Kinematic Source Imaging, Physics-based Modeling, Laboratory Experiments, and Earthquake Geology
Session ID: 43148
Session Description:
Recent decades have seen great advance…
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2018-07-19 17:37:43
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to bring to you the latest Advances in Exploration Geophysics session (NS002) at the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington D.C. We welcome abstracts on theoretical developments as well as insightful case studies using all geophysical methods, traditional and novel -- from seismic to micro-seismic techniques, potential fields to electromagnetic fields, muon to cross-well tomography as well as integrated investigation methods. Abstract submissions with industry relevant …
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2018-07-19 15:57:57
Dear colleagues,
As a reminder, the abstract submission deadline for the AGU Fall
Meeting is Wednesday, August 1st at 23:59 EDT. We invite contributions
to the following session co-organized by the Tectonophysics,
Seismology and Geodesy sections:
*T025: Interplay between seismic and aseismic slip: Implications for
fault physics*
Session ID#: 43301
*Invited speakers: *
Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks
André Niemeijer, Universiteit Utrecht
*Session Description:*
Faults at tectonic b…
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2018-07-18 15:57:23
Dear Colleagues,
We invite abstract submissions to the following education session at the
AGU 2018 Fall Meeting in Washington DC. The deadline for all
submissions is *Wednesday,
1 August 23:59 EDT*. Abstracts will not be accepted for review after this
*Session ID:* 48346
*Session Title:* ED029. Developing computational thinking skills with
*Session Description:* This session brings Geoscience instructors together
in one place to share our stories of success and failure. Are you …
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2018-07-18 10:08:23
Dear Colleague,
We are excited to continue our special session on "Frontiers of uncertainty
quantification in geoscientific inversion” at the 2018 AGU Fall meeting. We
aim to provide a cross-disciplinary view of innovations in the field and be
inclusive to a wide variety of work and applications (the abstract is
copied below). We are pleased to have very broad support from the AGU
sections of Seismology, Study of Earth's Deep Interior, Geomagnetism,
Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism, Hydro…
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2018-07-18 04:55:20
Session ID: 44231
Session Title: S014. Geophysical Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Utilization and Storage
The ongoing worldwide large-scale demonstration projects for geologic carbon utilization and storage pose many scientific questions linking academic and industrial research. Monitoring stored carbon, such as CO2, is important to safe storage. Geophysical monitoring plays a crucial role in monitoring CO2 injection and migration, and e…
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The frontier of geophysical analysis and understanding of Earth processes increasingly lies in efforts to synthesize results from multidisciplinary data sets. We’d like to encourage you to consider submitting an abstract (deadline: 1 August 2018, 23:59 EDT) to the following session at the 2018 Fall AGU Meeting, to be held this year in Washington, DC.
Session ID: 54183
Session Title: GP013. Understanding Active Earth Systems through Combined MT/EM and Seismic Datasets
View Se…
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session co-organized by the Seismology, Mineral and Rock Physics, Tectonophysics, and Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology sections at the upcoming 2018 AGU fall meeting:
DI016: Petrological and Thermal Structure of the Mantle from the Transition Zone to the CMB: Causes and Consequences of Phase Transitions
Session Description:
In the last few decades seismic observations have revealed the structure of the mantl…
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2018-07-17 03:05:12
Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session of the upcoming 2018 AGU fall meeting:
OS033: New Opportunities in Ocean and Earth Observing at The Seafloor Interface
Session Description:
Real-time information on a global scale about the ocean above and the earth below their shared interface can be obtained from sensors (e.g., temperature, pressure, and acceleration) deployed in conjunction with efficient data relays. One important example is sensors em…
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Dear Colleagues,
We welcome submissions for the following session at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting in Washington DC:
T053: Volatile cycling in subduction zones: fluid inputs, pathways & outputs, and their impact on geodynamic processes and natural hazards
Water plays a vital role in the Earth's evolution. In subduction zones, vast quantities of fluid are exchanged between the Earth, ocean and atmosphere. Volatile cycling throughout the subduction system is fundamental to the petrogenesis and…
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Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session co-organized by the Seismology, Tectonophysics, Nonlinear Geophysics, and Mineral and Rock Physics sections at the upcoming 2018 AGU fall meeting:
S009: Extracting Information from Geophysical & Geochemical Signals: Applying Machine Learning Through Data Science Challenges
Session Description:
Major breakthroughs in geophysics are anticipated as more researchers turn to machine learning and other data science te…
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting:
S022: Next Generation Seismic Source Studies
Session description:
Seismic source studies are fundamental to seismology. Recently, correlation-based detection and location methods have dramatically improved seismic monitoring capability. For other aspects of source studies, machine learning shows promise in tasks such as ph…
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2018-07-16 19:19:22
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to announce AGU session T029 "Multiscale imaging of plate
boundary fault systems: integrating geophysical and geological data." Please
consider presenting your research in this session and passing along this
announcement to students and/or colleagues that may be interested.
*Session information:*
T029: Multiscale imaging of plate boundary fault systems: integrating
geophysical and geological data
Session ID#: 50206
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2018-07-14 00:46:03
Dear colleagues,
Its AGU abstracts season again! For that reason, we would like to draw your attention to the following education session at the upcoming 2018 AGU Fall Meeting this December.
Please consider submitting an abstract to ED001: 3D Printing in Earth and Planetary Science Education and Outreach (
3D printing is a cutting-edge technology that holds tremendous promise for scientific research and education. For Earth and planetary scientists, the adv…
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Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting your work to the session* The Physical Origin of
Geophysical Anomalies**, *in the Study of the Earth's Deep Interior (DI)
Section of the 2018 AGU Fall meeting to be held on December 10-14 in
Washington D.C.
We aim to bring together submissions from the experimental and
observational side of geophysics, and invite submission related to all
scales of Earth Science.
Joseph Byrnes, Heather Ford, Chao Qi, and Max Bezada
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2018-07-13 01:28:33
Dear colleagues,
Are you looking for a seismic tomography/inverse problem session for your AGU abstract? Please consider the session S010 ‘Frontiers in Theoretical and Computational Seismology’.
Link to the session:
Invited speakers: Biondo Biondi, Stanford University, and Thomas Ulrich, Munich University.
Section: Seismology
Index Terms: Theory, Tomography, Computational Seismology
Numerous recent advances in seismology have …
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2018-07-12 22:28:42
*Dear Colleagues,*
*We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2018
AGU Fall Meeting:*
*ED008: Bridging the interface between educational and citizen science
seismology *
Link: *
<> *
Scientists and education specialists have been supporting and developing
educational seismology networks in the US and globally for decades.
Citizen seismology has been …
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2018-07-12 22:13:11
*Dear Colleagues,*
*We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2018
AGU Fall Meeting:*
*ED008: Bridging the interface between educational and citizen science
seismology *
Link: *
<> *
Scientists and education specialists have been supporting and developing
educational seismology networks in the US and globally for decades.
Citizen seismology has been …
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Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the session “Hydrogeophysics from Local to Global Scales” at the next AGU Fall Meeting (Washington D.C., 10-14 Dec 2018).
Please note that the abstract submission deadline is the August 1st.
Session ID: 51336
Session Title: G014. Hydrogeophysics from Local to Global Scales
Session details: <>
Session Description:
Modern …
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2018-07-12 19:08:26
*Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session - we are
looking for broad geoscience participation!Session IN015 title: Cloud-based
workflows for reproducible research and education in geoscienceThe growth
of commercial and public cloud computing, and associated services, are
enabling and demanding new approaches to executing geoscience. New
software frameworks are providing opportunities for reproducible science
where reproducibility has traditionally been difficult to impos…
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2018-07-12 00:49:39
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to the following AGU Fall Meeting 2018
*T054: Whose Fault Is It? Relating Structural and Compositional
Heterogeneity to Slip Behavior *
*Large plate boundary fault systems are commonly rheologically segmented
both along strike and down dip, including across the transition from
seismic to aseismic shear displacement. In addition to thermal controls,
these variations in slip style may arise due to geometric or compositional
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2018-07-11 22:57:08
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following 2018 Fall AGU session:
PA072: The hazards of hazard communication: Importance, rewards and challenges of science in the public sphere <>
Accurate public communication of hazards science is critical; it can deliver timely information to emergency planners, improve public confidence in science, disseminate scienti…
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2018-07-11 17:43:56
Dear Colleagues,
We encourage you to submit to our AGU session:
*T001. 3D Fault Architecture and Geometrical Segmentation from Fault
Observations to Seismic Hazard Assessment*
Description below.
*Invited Speakers:*
Kelvin Berryman, GNS Science
Morgan Page, USGS
Valerie Sahakian, University of Oregon
Ruth Harris, USGS Earthquake Science Center
Isabelle Manighetti, GeoAzur
Neal Driscoll, Scripps Institution of Oceanography…
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2018-07-11 17:25:16
Dear All,
Please consider submitting and AGU abstract to Tectonophysics
<>session *T051:
The Varied Roles of Aqueous Fluids Near the Subduction Interface*
Cross listed with *Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology, Seismology and
Mineral and Rock Physics*
*Invited speakers: *Roland Burgmann (UC-Berkeley) and Emily Cooperdock
*Session Description:*
Along the subduction …
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2018-07-11 16:43:39
Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting abstracts to the following session at the 2018
AGU Fall Meeting:
*T044: Synthesis: Knowns and Unknowns of the Cascadia Subduction Zone*
*Session Description: *The Cascadia subduction zone is a global end-member
warm-slab subduction zone and exhibits along-strike variations in
subduction parameters (e.g., incoming plate age) …
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Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting abstracts to the below session at the 2018
AGU Fall Meeting:
T038: Shallow subduction zone structure and dynamics
Subduction zones play a key role in transporting and cycling earth
material, as well as in earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic hazard. Recent
investigations of the incoming plate, shallow subduction zone, and
megathrust using near-field observations, samples, and high-resolution
images have led to new insights into subduction zone dy…
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2018-07-10 18:42:35
Hi all,
We would like to invite those interested to attend and submit abstracts to a session we are running in the Geodesy and Tectonophysics sessions at this year's AGU Fall Meeting, "Geodetic imaging and interpretation of the seismic cycle," session G009 (ID# 46431).
Session Description:
Geodesy’s ability to image earth processes has vastly improved both spatially and temporally in recent decades, making it an essential tool to study the seismic cycle and the ways the earth accommodates …
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2018-07-10 18:20:24
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the session
S012: Full-waveform Modeling and Inversion: Advances and Applications.
We look forward to your interest! Just a reminder that the abstract
submission is due on August 1st, 23:59 EDT.
S012: Full-Waveform Modeling and Inversion: Advances and Applications
Full-waveform numerical modeling methods accurately …
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2018-07-10 17:51:49
Dear Colleagues,
We hope the following 2018 AGU session is of interest to you and other
colleagues and look forward to contributions. Thank you.
*T035: Seafloor Geodesy — Measuring Deformation of the Seabed*
Seafloor geodetic methods allow for measuring crustal deformation over
Earth’s vast areas that are covered by water, and therefore inaccessible to
standard geodetic techniques. Over the last decade, remarkable
technological progress has been made to increase the precision and scales
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Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting abstracts to the below session at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting:
DI018: Subducting Slabs in the Mantle
Subducting slabs are the primary source for chemical and thermal heterogeneity within the Earth's mantle. Their sinking dynamics is key in Earth's mass and heat transport since they drive the bulk downgoing flow in global mantle convection. Constraining the dimensions and physical properties (chemistry, temperature, mechanical resistance) of slabs is…
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following 2018 AGU Fall meeting session and look forward to your abstract submissions:
S003: Beyond the earthquake cycle - field and modeling constraints of earthquake rupture along complex-geometry fault systems and implications for seismic hazard assessment (Session ID#: 48938)
Session description:
Current SHA-practice relies on seismotectonic proxies and regional seismicity to estimate possible future earthquakes' shaking level…
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2018-07-10 06:10:15
Dear all,
We invite you to submit to the following AGU session:
*DI005: A Unified View on the Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of the
Session Description:
Lithosphere, the rigid, outermost shell of the dynamic earth, plays a
central role in the development of the Plate Tectonics theory. Its birth
and demise act as the major driving force of plate motion, and a key
mechanism of the water and carbon cycle throughout the planet earth.
Understanding the interaction of the litho…
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2018-07-10 00:10:40
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting an abstract to this 2018 Fall AGU session:
New Frontiers in Global Seismic Monitoring and Earthquake Research (S021)
The past decade has seen improvements in computational efficiency, seismic
data coverage, and communication technology driven by societal expectation
for timely, accurate information. While aspects of earthquake research have
taken advantage of this evolution, the adoption of improvements in
earthquake monitoring has not been fully…
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2018-07-09 21:46:31
Dear Colleagues,
We wish to draw your attention to the following 2018 Fall AGU session.
*V029: **
New Insights into Oceanic Spreading Centers from Seafloor Observatories*
Oceanic spreading centers are complex settings in which geological,
biological and oceanographic processes all interact. The challenges of
understanding these systems and of capturing the volcanic and tectonic
events responsible for forming the ocean crust has led to the establishment
of longterm multidiscip…
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Dear all,
Have you been involved with any aspect of the eruption response during the current Kilauea eruption crisis? If so, please consider submitting an abstract for the following ‘Trending Topics’ session at the AGU Fall Meeting, which is being held in Washington D.C. from 10-14 December 2018:
The 2018 eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
In 2018 the eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, ongoing since 1983, took a dramatic turn. Magma…
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2018-07-09 18:42:03
Special AGU session on EarthScope in Alaska and Canada
Dear colleagues:
Please consider submitting your abstracts to this 2018 Fall AGU special
Title -
Emerging Science from the EarthScope Transportable Array in Alaska and
Session Description -
The USArray Transportable Array roll-out in Alaska and Canada was completed
in the fall of 2017. It consists of 194 telemetered broadband seismic and
infrasound stations designed for an approximately two-year deployment as an
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Dear Colleagues:
We'd like to call your attention to AGU session T008, "Combining Geophysical and Geological Observations to Highlight Lithospheric Processes and the Dynamic Nature of Continental Arc Systems," which we are organizing for the upcoming Fall Meeting in Washington D.C.
Session Title:
Combining Geophysical and Geological Observations to Highlight Lithospheric Processes and the Dynamic Nature of Continental Arc Systems
Session Description:
Recent advances in instrumentatio…
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2018-07-05 22:19:08
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting session S016:
Heterogeneity and scaling relations impacting the geomechanical behavior of fault zones
Session description:
Heterogeneities in sub-surface properties make life as a geoscientist particularly challenging, but also keep it interesting. Variations of the state of stress driving the occurrence of earthquakes result, amongst others, from heterogeneous frictional and elastic properties, fracture…
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2018-07-05 19:46:47
Dear Colleagues:
We'd like to call your attention to AGU session T055, "Wyoming Craton: From
Precambrian core of Laurentia to current state within North America," which
we are organizing for the upcoming Fall Meeting. Submissions highlighting
IRIS/Earthscope projects are especially welcome.
Session description:
T055: Wyoming Craton: From Precambrian core of Laurentia to current state
within North America
The Wyoming craton, colloquially referred to as "nuclear North America,"
comprises so…
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2018-07-02 16:48:41
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following 2018 Fall AGU session:
NH022 Ionospheric and Atmospheric Responses to Multiple Natural Hazards
This session will focus on interactions between the Earth’s atmosphere (troposphere and ionosphere), and various forcing mechanisms from the Earth’s surface and hydrosphere. In particular, earthquake generated tsunamis, meteorological tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, t…
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2018-07-02 15:46:19
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session co-organized by the Tectonophysics, Seismology and Geodesy sections at the upcoming 2018 AGU Fall meeting:
T025: Interplay between seismic and aseismic slip: Implications for fault physics
Session ID#: 43301
Invited speakers:
Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks
André Niemeijer, Universiteit Utrecht
Session Description:
Faults at tectonic boundaries accommodate plate motion through an array of …