AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for July 2016

Abhijit Ghosh
2016-07-29 13:32:53
Dear colleagues, I would like to draw you attention to the AGU session on slow earthquakes and tremor. We aim to bring together different tools (e.g., seismology, geodesy), methods and approaches (e.g., theory, modeling, observations) to highlight recent advances in understanding the mechanisms and underlying physics of tremor, slow slip and slow earthquake phenomena. Please see below for details. —Abhijit Ghosh Assistant Professor University of California, Riverside… [more]
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Dear colleagues, apologies for multiple postings. Please consider submitting an abstract to session S007 "Environmental & Earth monitoring with ambient seismic and acoustic wave fields" (co-organized by the Seismology and Ocean Sciences sections): <> Abstracts are due in less than a week, August 3rd 23:59 EDT. Ambient seismic and acoustic signals are ubiquito… [more]
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Dear colleagues [with apologies for multiple postings] We would like to draw your attention to the session S029 “Temporal changes of seismic structure in response to a great earthquake” at the AGU Fall Assembly 2016 in San Francisco and hope that you will consider submitting an abstract to this session. The abstract submission deadline is 3rd August 2016. Solicited speakers: ** Yan Hu (University of California, Berkeley) ** Kaoru Sawazaki (NIED, Tsukuba) With best regards … [more]
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Dear colleagues [with apologies for multiple postings] We would like to draw your attention to the session S029 “Temporal changes of seismic structure in response to a great earthquake” at the AGU Fall Assembly 2016 in San Francisco and hope that you will consider submitting an abstract to this session. The abstract submission deadline is 3rd August 2016. Solicited speakers: ** Yan Hu (University of California, Berkeley) ** Kaoru Sawazaki (NIED, Tsukuba) With best re… [more]
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Dear all, We would welcome your abstract submissions to the session “DI014: Structure, dynamics and evolution of Earth's deep mantle” at the AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16th December, 2016. (Session description below.) Invited Abstracts: Hanika Rizo <>, Universite du Quebec a Montreal Sanne Cottaar <>, University of Cambridge Submission deadline: 3 August 23:59 EDT. Please submit your abst… [more]
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Dear Collegues, we would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the AGU 2016 special session *S004:Capturing the complexity of site amplification* *Session ID#:* 12890 *Session Description*: Site amplification produced by local geological conditions plays a key role in seismic shaking hazard assessment and mapping. Although the topic has received significant attention over the past decades, a number of scientific and engineering issues are still unsatisfactorily answered and the latest d… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our AGU session *"S013: Imaging the Earth I: Theory and methods at reservoir and local scales**" (Session ID#: * *13058)*. Please see below the detailed session description. Confirmed invited speaker: Ru-shan Wu (University of California Santa Cruz ) Abstract submission deadline: *3 August, 11:59 P.M. EDT* Submission website: Session Description: This session focuses on new mathem… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the AGU 2016 special session #13049 below. *S022: Operational Earthquake Forecasting: Scientific Advances, Validation and Implementation, Communication and Uptake* Earthquakes seldom come alone; they often trigger additional earthquakes that exacerbate existing crises or indeed initiate a disaster. The recent M7 April 15, 2016, Kumamoto, Japan earthquake occurred mere days after two earlier M6 temblors, serving as yet another dramati… [more]
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risa madoff
2016-07-23 01:26:09
 Dear Colleagues, The deadline for abstract submission to the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting is August 3 (July 27 for early submissions). We bring your attention to the following Education Special Session (ED034: 12619). Remember that Education sessions are special: you can have a first-author contributed abstract to our session, and still be first author on another abstract elsewhere. Teaching Geoscience with MATLAB Programming skills are increasingly vital for Geosciences undergraduates. How a… [more]
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2016-07-22 23:55:19
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the Fall AGU meeting session DI005: G, LAB, and MLDs: What are they anyway? Lithospheric boundary structures within and beneath the oceans and continents. Abstracts are due by August 3rd, 23:59 EDT. Session Title: DI005. G, LAB, and MLDs: What are they anyway? Lithospheric boundary structures within and beneath the oceans and continents Session ID#: 13769 Session Description: Recent advances in seismic imaging suggest that that the int… [more]
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Margarete Jadamec
2016-07-22 19:25:00
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to these two inter-related and exciting sessions at the upcoming 2016 Fall AGU Meeting on computational advances in geoscience (T032 and DI001), by Tectonophysics and Study of Earth's Deep Interior. As computation and the influx of digital data are becoming an integral part of our science from the surface to the core, please consider submitting an abstract to one of these sessions and share your results and/or numerical approaches! … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our AGU session “Reliability of the Green’s function extracted from ambient noise” (session ID 12831). In this session, we discuss the extraction of reliable information from ambient noise based on cross correlation techniques. All theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome. The detailed session description is attached below. We are very proud of inviting Francisco Sanchez-Sesma (UNAM) and Loic Viens (University of Tokyo). A… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the AGU 2016 Fall Meeting session entitled “Geophysical Approaches for Global Security”. Below is the session description. Please consider submitting your nuclear-explosion monitoring and global security related abstracts to the session by August 3rd, 23:59 EDT. Thanks. Kristin Phillips-Alonge, Ting Chen, Xiaoning (David) Yang and Moira Pyle Session Description: Geophysical methods can be applied to a variety of national and glo… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to an AGU session entitled “Energy partitioning during earthquakes, landslides and other shear failure processes”. Please consider to submit an abstract by August 3rd, 23:59 EDT. Session Description: During shear failure processes, such as earthquakes and landslides, the released potential energy is partitioned into kinetic/radiated seismic energy and energy dissipate… [more]
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Marcillo, Omar Eduardo
2016-07-21 03:42:03
Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the session: "On the seismo-acoustic field of natural and man-made sources" to be held at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco CA, December 12-16. This session explores research involving mixed seismic and acoustic/infrasonic observations of source signals to improve our understanding of sources and/or propagation phenomenology. We welcome topics related to developments in sensors and instrumentation, signal analysis (including processin… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the session DI009: Multidisciplinary constraints on the distribution of melt and volatiles and their roles through the subduction system ( Please consider to submit an abstract by August 3rd, 23:59 EDT. Session Description: Subducting slabs transport geodynamically and geochemically significant quantities of volatiles to the Earth’s interior. A large portion of the… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to call your attention to AGU session NH014, "New Geophysical Methods for Understanding Geohazards in Urban Basins". The session aims to bring together researchers using seismology to study basin seismic response, geodetic measurements to study basin subsidence, and other shallow geophysical imaging aimed at studying geomorphological and hyrdogeological hazards. See for a full description. C… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, My co-conveners and I would welcome your submissions to the 2016 Fall AGU meeting session entitled "From Escape to Subduction: The Tectonics of Indochina". Session ID#: 13237 Session Description: The Indochina peninsula offers a unique opportunity for understanding the transition from processes facilitating tectonic escape to those clearly related to subduction. The spatial and temporal evolution of these processes, in the context of India-Asia collision, include c… [more]
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Harbert, William P. (CONTR)
2016-07-20 01:35:33
Dear Colleagues, Please consider to submit abstracts to the following session at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. Session ID: 12401 Session Title: S010. Geophysical Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Storage Section/Focus Group: Seismology Large-scale carbon storage and utilization poses many scientific questions linking academic and industrial research. Geophysical monitoring will play a crucial role for ensuring long-term and safe geo… [more]
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Abhijit Ghosh
2016-07-20 00:17:08
I would like to draw you attention to the AGU session on slow earthquakes and tremor. We aim to bring together different tools (e.g., seismology, geodesy), methods and approaches (e.g., theory, modeling, observations) to highlight recent advances in understanding the mechanisms and underlying physics of tremor, slow slip and slow earthquake phenomena. Please see below for details. —Abhijit Ghosh Assistant Professor University of California, Riverside <… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider to submit abstracts to the following session at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. Session ID: 12401 Session Title: S010. Geophysical Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Storage Section/Focus Group: Seismology Large-scale carbon storage and utilization poses many scientific questions linking academic and industrial research. Geophysical monitoring will play a crucial role for ensuring long-term and safe geo… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the session we have organized to highlight the scientific and infrastructure big ideas that have and will continue to enable progress in deep Earth research. The session is, in part, intended to commemorate the contributions of Adam Dziewonski. The invited presenters are Hitoshi Kawakatsu and Peter Olson. Sincerely, Ved Lekic on behalf of the conveners. DI010: Pillars of Deep Earth Research: Accomplishments, Limitations, and the R… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-07-19 17:31:38
Forwarded on behalf of: Nori Nakata Stanford University --------------------- Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our AGU session "Imaging the Earth II: From data to processes on regional to global scales" (session ID 12424). The session is intended to provide a platform for developments in seismic modelling and inversion, and the interpretation of seismic Earth models in terms of the structure, dynamics and evolution of our planet. As invited speak… [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Anne Meltzer Lehigh University -------------------- Dear Colleagues, We encourage abstract submissions to the Fall AGU session: Subduction Zone Earthquakes and the Role of Asperities in Rupture Propagation and Aftershock Sequences: Insights from the April 16 2016 Pedernales Ecuador. We welcome abstracts from a range of disciplines on the Pedernales earthquake, the subduction system in Ecuador and adjacent regions in Central and South America, and … [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Lianjie Huang Los Alamos National Laboratory -------------------- Dear Colleagues, Please consider to submit abstracts to the following session at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. Session ID: 12401 Session Title: S010. Geophysical Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Storage Section/Focus Group: Seismology Large-scale carbon storage and utilization poses many scientific questions linking academic and industrial research. Geophysical monitoring will play a crucial ro… [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Morgan Moschetti US Geological Survey -------------------- Dear Colleagues, We would like to call your attention to two sessions focused on understanding the physics and modeling of earthquake ground motions at the AGU Fall meeting. Session S005 will focus on earthquake source physics and its interplay with strong ground motion, including earthquake source physics studies from observational, experimental and theoretical perspectives, constraints o… [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Takahiko Uchide Geological Survey of Japan, AIST -------------------- Dear all, I would like to draw your attention to our session of the coming AGU Fall Meeting entitled "Macroscopic Earthquake Source Parameter Studies: from Basic to Application." We focus on earthquake source parameter studies, such as stress drops, radiated energy, moment rate functions (source time functions), moment tensor, magnitude, etc., and their implications to, for exam… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention the Tectonophysics Session T005, "Characterizing the evolution of craton margins" at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting (December 12-16) in San Francisco. Please note the abstract deadline of Wednesday August 3rd.  We encourage submissions from all domains of the geosciences. Invited speakers include Huaiyu Yuan (Macquarie University) and Maggie Benoit (The College of New Jersey). The session description is below. Best Regards, Andrew Scha… [more]
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Dear colleagues, It is abstract-submission time for the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting and I would like to invite you to share your research outcomes in our exciting session on heterogeneities in the Earth's Deep Interior. Please see the session details below; we are looking forward to your valuable contributions. On behalf of the conveners, Pilar Madrigal *DI007: *Heterogeneity in Earth's Deep Interior - from natural and laboratory observations to theoretical models <… [more]
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Jamie Farrell
2016-07-15 02:20:08
No, there probably aren't any magma chambers under the Moscone Center, but we invite abstracts to our session The Nature of Magma Reservoirs. This session will deal with questions such as: What is the nature of the material imaged in geophysical studies of magmatic systems? How does partial melt percentage and distribution affect seismic and electrical properties? How do we reconcile field observations of plutonic systems with physical properties of active systems? What do volcanic seism… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We welcome your contributions to the following co-organized AGU session for the 2016 fall meeting: “Frontiers of uncertainty estimation in geophysical inversion” Geophysicists routinely apply inversion methods to produce information about the spatial and temporal variability of earth properties that are described by parameters of a model. Such models are often used to shed light on various earth processe… [more]
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Dear colleagues [with apologies for multiple postings] We would like to draw your attention to the session S029 “Temporal changes of seismic structure in response to a great earthquake” at the AGU Fall Assembly 2016 in San Francisco and hope that you will consider submitting an abstract to this session. The abstract submission deadline is 3rd August 2016. ***************************************************************************************************************************… [more]
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Yoshio Fukao
2016-07-12 05:18:03
Dear colleagues, Please consider the following session at this year's AGU Fall Meeting. DI008: Mid-mantle Mysteries: Structure and Dynamics beyond the Transition Zone at this year's AGU Fall Meeting. Session Description: The Earth’s lower mantle is volumetrically the largest portion of our planet, but major questions remain as to global thermal and chemical heterogeneity and its role in controlling mantle dynamic process… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting abstracts to a session on Geophysical Methods for Global Security or some similar sessions related to nuclear test monitoring and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty *Session ID*: 12572 *Session Title*: S009: Geophysical Approaches for Global Security *Section/Focus Group*: Seismology *Session Description*: Geophysical methods can be applied to a variety of national and global security concerns. In light of the continued underground nuclear te… [more]
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<apologies for cross-postings> We would like to encourage submissions to this AGU special session: T012: Insights on the tectonic evolution of the Salton Trough and northern Gulf of California from recent multidisciplinary studies <> Oblique motion at the Pacific-North American plate boundary is rifting the continent in the Salton Trough in southern California and northern Mexico, and in the northern Gulf of California. R… [more]
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John Hole
2016-07-11 16:57:42
<apologies for cross-postings> We would like to encourage submissions to this AGU special session: T037: Tectonic evolution of the US northern Rocky Mountains <> The focus of this session is on Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonics and evolution of the crust and lithosphere of the Rocky Mountains of the northwestern USA. Recent investigations have focussed on the characterization and modification of the cratonic passive margin,… [more]
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Arjun Kohli
2016-07-11 16:30:13
Dear colleagues, Please consider the following session on fluid-rock interactions and anthropogenic subsurface processes at this year's AGU Fall Meeting. Title: Fluid-Rock Interactions Controlling Structure, Flow and Transport in the Subsurface ID#: 13895 (H042) Description: Subsurface technologies such as hydrocarbon production, enhanced geothermal, energy storage, CO2 sequestration, and nuclear waste disposal req… [more]
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Brendan Crowell
2016-07-11 15:44:17
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to a session entitled “S001: Advances in Earthquake Early Warning Research.” Here's the official description: Over the past years Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) efforts have seen an impressive spur of innovation, with new approaches to real-time ground motion prediction being proposed and improvements of established approaches. At the same time, various ongoing research efforts in seismology, tectonics and beyond are relevant for EEW. For… [more]
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Hrvoje Tkalčić
2016-07-11 15:38:12
Dear colleagues, We hope that you will consider submitting your contributions to the special session on the Earth’s core for the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting. Invited speakers: Julien Aubert and James Badro Session Title: The Earth’s core: constraints on the Earth’s metallic heart from multi-disciplinary approaches Session ID#: 13083 Session Description: Understanding the complex nature of the Earth’s core, including stratified layers in the liquid outer core and the structure of the s… [more]
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Dear All - Please consider submitting an abstract to this interdisciplinary session at Fall AGU Meeting, 12-16 December 2016. V030: Thermochemical and transport properties of liquid metal alloys in the Earth’s core Session Description: Core liquids are alloys dominantly of iron and nickel containing a mixture of ~10% of low atomic number elements that probably include H, C, N, O, S and Si. The thermochemical and transport properties of these alloys governed core formation and the present… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to session T026 “One Rift, Two Rift, Magma-Rich Rift, Magma-Poor Rift: Deformation, magmatism, volatile fluxes, and their consequences in the East African Rift System” co-organized with Tectonophysics, Earth and Planetary Surface Processes, Geodesy, Seismology, and Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology. Session ID#: 12985 Session Description: The East African Rif… [more]
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Hi all, We would like to invite those interested to attend and submit abstracts to a session we are running in the Geodesy and Tectonophysics sections at this year's AGU Fall Meeting, "Time-dependent deformation in geodetic data: advances in detection, modeling and interpretation," session G024 (ID# 13407). Session Description: Today space geodesy provides unprecedented coverage of the Earth's surface and can detect time-dependent deformation on time scales ranging from seconds to decade… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session C038; Solid Earth-Cryostphere Interactions for this fall’s AGU meeting. This session is cross-listed with Geodesy, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Seismology, and Tectonophysics. The description is: Past and present glacial systems incorporate important interactions with the solid Earth via elastic, viscoelastic, hydrological, thermal, erosional, volcanic, and other processes. We invite contributions relate… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to session S007 "Environmental & Earth monitoring with ambient seismic and acoustic wave fields" (co-organized by the Seismology and Ocean Sciences sections): <> Abstracts are due 3rd of August 23:59 EDT. Ambient seismic and acoustic signals are ubiquitous on Earth, from the solid Earth to the top of the at… [more]
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Hello IRIS community! We would like to invite the community to consider submitting abstracts to our AGU 2016 Fall Meeting session, which focuses on novel data visualization techniques. Specifically, we would like to bring together a diverse range of geoscientists to discuss the many different platforms and technologies being used and developed for data visualization. It is listed in the Education section (and so doesn’t count towards the 1 submitted, 1 invited abstract limit for the AGU Fall M… [more]
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Dear Colleagues We would like to draw your attention to a session we have put together for the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting focused on strainmeters. G001: Borehole strainmeters: New results, emerging applications, and open data Session Description: Borehole strainmeters, designed to detect aseismic deformation from tectonic and magmatic processes, are high-resolution sensors that complement GPS in modern geodetic networks. First installed in the 1970s, hundreds of borehole strainmeters now opera… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Some of you might be interested in the following AGU Fall Meeting session, convened by Greg Hirth (Brown U.) and Alexandre Schubnel (ENS), and myself (Caltech) on: *Intermediate depth and deep earthquakes* ( S016: Intermediate-depth and deep-focus earthquakes *Session ID#: *13028 Session Description: Intermediate-depth and deep-focus earthquakes are key features of geodynamics because they contribute approxi… [more]
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Fiona Darbyshire
2016-07-01 02:00:57
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to a special session that we have put together for the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting. Session description is as follows: T008: Exploring the theory of plate tectonics: the nature and role of the mantle lithosphere. Fifty years after Tuzo Wilson inquired whether the Atlantic closed and then reopened, evidence has accumulated for aspects of the Earth system's behavior that do not fit neatly into the conventional theory of plate tectonics. In pa… [more]
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