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Active Message Threads for July 2018

2018-07-30 22:35:18
AMENDMENT # 1 TO CALL 007 Announcement to BAA-RVKV-2014-0001 Representatives of the Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Program and the AFRL/RV contracting office will host a "virtual industry day" on Wednesday 8 August from 10:00 am to 11:00 am MDT. You are invited to join us by calling 505 853-6630. If you plan to participate then prior to that day please provide the following information via email to the Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist named below: (1) Full Name of the Company; Addre… [more]
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Coastlines and People (CoPe) Scoping Sessions: Apply to attend workshops Sept. 26-28, 2018 You are encouraged to apply to attend scoping sessions to identify priorities for a research initiative focused on coastal regions. Applications are due by August 12, 2018 (11:59pm local time) and the workshops will be held September 26-28, 2018. More information is available on the CoPe scoping session website https://coastlinesandpeople.org/. Coasts are paramount to our nation’s economic prosperit… [more]
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Call for Participation in Hawaii Seismic Experiment aboard the R/V Langseth Application Deadline: July 27, 2018 We invite applications from graduate students, postdocs and early-career scientists to participate in an NSF-funded seismic research experiment aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth focused on the Hawaii Island chain. This project will involve the collection of 2D multi-channel seismic reflection data and wide-angle reflection/refraction data along a series of profiles across and al… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure to invite submissions for a special issue of Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), entitled “Best Practices in Physics-based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Installations: issues and challenges towards full Seismic Risk Analysis”. We aim to gather works from seismologists and earthquake engineers, from practitioners to earthquake scientists, on aspects related to ground motion models for seismic hazard assessment (SHA) and … [more]
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