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Active Message Threads for May 2006

Jorge Luis de Souza
2006-05-11 23:05:57
Dear Colleagues, Recently, I have requested to the IRIS a copy of Linux version of SAC. In response to this request, Mr. Tim Knight from IRIS sent me two e-mail's with the following files : 1 - The files of the first e-mail are the following : 05Mar01.sac.bin.linux.tgz (394 bytes) 05Mar01.sac.bin.linux.tgz (1.61 MB) sac_license.txt (12.2 KB) 2 - The files of the second e-mail are the following : 05Mar01.sac.tgz (385 bytes) 05Mar01.sac.tgz (2.57 MB) Readme.… [more]
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2006-05-11 20:22:54
Hi, I have installed sac2000 a unix machine under Sun Os 5.8 and I have problems to get the graphic. the message given is "can't open xwindows, check DISPLAY environmental". I have of course previously run sentenv DISPLAY...... if anybody have a way to solve this problem keep me informed. thanks hakim _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!… [more]
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Arthur Snoke
2006-05-11 01:12:30
This message is from a colleague in Peru. I am not familiar with that flavor of Linux and do not use the spectrogram routines. (The command he gave me spg w 20 s 2 worked fine.) Any suggestions? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 16:58:40 -0400 (EDT) From: Edmundo Norabuena <> Arthur, I compiled the source code on a solaris 9 platform and sac 100.1 worked fine (spectrogram plot). However when I did the compilation on my linux platform … [more]
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2006-05-10 21:09:31
if you could inform me about if there is a possibility to find with Sac2000 the polezeros of the filter which i apply. For example for a bandpass filter i use the bp npoles 2 corner 0.01 0.05 passes 2. This bandpass filter is applied but i would like to know it's poles and zeros so i can use them to filter synthetics with the same filter but not in Sac2000.
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14:48:10 v.c03ec7af