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Active Message Threads for July 2010

Dear All, I recently installed SAC101.4 on my system (Linux). Since then, I have been having problems running some of my macros. I tried to find some documentation in the new-look SAC manual and in the CHANGES listings on the website, but didn't see anything pertinent to the problem. Here's the issue: I have a SAC macro from which I call a program (a fortran-based executable) that requires user input. Up to now it's been automated as follows in the macros: ... $run myprogram input1 input2 etc… [more]
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Martin Vallee
2010-07-21 00:51:32
Dear users/managers of SAC, I compiled the source of version 101.4 enabling the matlab interface. but after reading a SAC file, and using the command "mat", I have the following error : SAC> r 2003. SAC> mat Starting Matlab computational engine... Allocating and filling Matlab workspace arrays... Copying to Matlab workspace ... ERROR: Could not create struct array in matCreateTimesStruct. Do you have an idea about this problem? Thank you very much in adv… [more]
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2010-07-20 16:44:39
Hi all, I received the binary version of sac this morning as listed in the subject. I use bash as my main shell on my mac and when sourcing the script I found a syntax error repeated for all similar usages: export SAC_DISPLAY_COPYRIGHT 1 instead of export SAC_DISPLAY_COPYRIGHT=1 Also, a collaborator of mine installed with sacinit.csh using the sac source code and found the sacinit.csh sets: setenv SACHOME /usr/local/jas/sac instead of setenv SACHOME /usr/local/sac Similar problems… [more]
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2010-07-13 04:18:28
Hello, I am trying to install the 32 bit sac version in a 32 bit ubuntu 10.04, but working in a 64 bit computer, until this time I am unsuccesful. The reason for doing that is, I have previously intalled PASSCAL and antelope software in this same 32 bit Ubuntu system and they work well; but they did not work using the 64 bit Ubuntu system. (I repeat: I have a laptop 64 bit working with 32 bit Ubuntu 10.04) Now I am stucked with SAC (32 bit) because it does not work in this 32 bit ubunt… [more]
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2010-05-26 16:13:10 - 2010-07-09 23:01:13
Thanks Milton for quick reply. Since in our later data processing the phase plays an important role, I am wondering if the interp or decimate will keep the phase in low freqency, for example lower than 0.4Hz. It seems that the decimate cmd performs an anti-alias filter, but document on interp does not show that. By comparing the origin data and interped and decimated ones in a short time gap, say two seconds, we may find all the decimated data points can be found in the origin data but interp… [more]
09:44:38 v.af9cd46b