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Active Message Threads for June 2018

2018-06-28 15:10:44 - 2018-06-28 18:46:37
Hi there, I have an issue with the extraction. Please refer to the attached for the error message. Hope you can advise me accordingly. Regards, William
Milton Plasencia
2018-06-26 22:39:02
Hi, OK, you have border effect, so you can do: 1) first apply the rmean sac command and eventually save the file and then apply the procedure. 2) after the procedure use the taper sac command. HTH, M. ************************************ Milton P. PLASENCIA LINARES Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS) OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia Tel: +39 040 2140 156 (Udine) Tel: +39 040 2140 256 … [more]
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2018-06-26 21:20:24 - 2018-06-26 22:28:58
Hi, I need to cut a sac file within selected time window (e.g:15s time length between 14000-14015 s) and need to save as a separate sac file. Any help? Thank you. Sampath
2018-06-25 02:15:14 - 2018-06-25 16:17:27
Dear SAC users, I have some sac files where KZDATE and KZTIME are wrong. I tried with CHNHDR command unfortuntly I got this error : ERROR 901: SAC programming logic error CHNHDR Could you please help me to fix this error in order to put put all the information into the SAC header ( KZDATE,KZTIME, ..)? Any help in this regard will highly be appreciated. Regards Dr Abderrahim BOULANOUAR Earth Science Department, Scientific Institute Mohamed V UniversityRabatMorocco
Hessam Madanipour (hmdnpour)
2018-06-22 05:47:35 - 2018-06-25 14:43:49
Hi there, I just got the sac binary file for MacOS from IRIS but I cannot install it. I tried the instruction on the email and also on the IRIS website and also on the internet but I was not able to install it on my Mac. Honestly I am not so familiar with MacOS and I have PC. I almost work on PC. Do you have any installer edition like software for windows? Thanks Best Regards, Hessam Madanipour Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering [1504123644175_PastedImage] T… [more]
Mukesh Das
2018-06-23 19:06:24
Dear SAC Users, I have some time series traces and a stacked trace. Lets say, traces names are like below trace_1.sac trace_2.sac trace_3.sac ................ ................ trace_n.sac While my stacked trace (only one trace) has its name as: trace_stacked.sac Now I want to plot these one over another but my stacked trace should be in different color with larger linewidth so that I can identify it easily. How should I plot it? Any help in this regard will highly be appreciated. Thank yo… [more]
Alessandro Todrani
2018-05-28 22:15:10 - 2018-06-01 00:21:41
Hi, sorry for the question. I'm using your SAC programm for my university thesis, and i have a problem with ERROR 124. The message that appear is: Can't change to the directory. Check your permission. How can i resolve this error? It doesn't always happen, but when i have this error i can't go on. I'm waiting your answer. Thank you so much, Best regards, Alessandro.
13:22:26 v.af9cd46b