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Active Message Threads for January 2008

David Tapia Pozos
2008-01-31 03:39:16
Hello, I'm using labview to adquire data coming from a seismic unit. I want to save data in SAC format and after to recover them. I would like to know if you can provide me some VI examples to write and read sac files. best regards, David Tapia
Arthur Snoke
2008-01-30 22:35:08
The Linux binaries distribution (sac-101.1-linux_x86.tar.gz) was built on CentOS 5. We found that when trying to open sac on a CentOS 4 machine, it bombed. IRIS has replaced the Linux binary distribution with one built on CentOS 4.5. This seems to work on CentOS 5 as well. Documentation (Readme and History) files have been amended to reflect this change.
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Yingcai Zheng
2008-01-29 01:22:17 - 2008-01-29 17:20:12
is there a flag in a SAC file that can tell the file is BIG_ENDIAN or LITTLE_ENDIAN? thanks. ying cai
David Tapia Pozos
2008-01-28 20:25:52 - 2008-01-28 23:45:44
Hello, My principal question: Is there a SAC version for windows XP and where can I get it ? Please could you tell me the link to download the library sac.a to create my own files with sac format. thanks a lot regards David Tapia.
Dylan Mikesell
2008-01-25 18:56:41
Everyone, I am new to SAC and having problems with the merge command. I am trying to merge vertical component files from one station over a day. The data is recorded in 30 minute sections. The error I am getting occurs as follows: WARNING: Time gap (zeros added): END1: 2007 223 2 56 56 681 BEG2: 2007 223 3 26 56 680 I can't figure out the problem and the headers aren't offering me any clues. FILE: - 1… [more]
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Yannik Behr
2008-01-24 07:40:26
When trying to remove the instrument response using evalresp (sac-command: transfer from evalresp fname RESP.AU.ARMA..BHZ to vel freqlimits 0.005882 0.006250 0.250000 0.333333) we get the following error: EVRESP ERROR (ARMA.AU..BHZ [File: ./RESP.AU.ARMA..BHZ; Start date: 2006,340,00:00:00.0000; Stage: 5]): parse_coeff; Unsupported filter type, IIR and Analog filters should be represented as blockette [53] filters, skipping to next response now No transfer function appli… [more]
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Pierre Arroucau
2008-01-22 22:09:49 - 2008-01-23 01:01:14
Hello, How is it possible to perform operations in the frequency domain with sac? For instance, once the fft of two time series have been computed, how can I divide one spectra by the other?
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