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Active Message Threads for March 2011

2011-03-30 18:39:26
Hello, I am trying to rotate two different components and then shift one of the components by 1 sec, I am correcting for anisotropy. I have looked through the sac manual and can not find a command to accomplish this time shift. Is it the ADD command. My understanding is that ADD would increase amplitude, not shift time. What is the command to shift a component by 1 sec ( ie move each data point forward/backward by 1 sec. )? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, C. Robert Lock
mijung Kim
2011-03-29 18:17:52
Dear, Would you send me the installation manual of SAC? I forgot the manual. Please help me.
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Mack J. Jenkins
2011-03-23 18:55:19 - 2011-03-23 19:48:17
Hey guys, I've got some researchers in my department who use SAC, and it is throwing a lot of errors. Are there cetain flavors of linux that SAC is not certified to work for, and others that it will work on, but not certified? I'll include some of the errors below. SAC> q *** glibc detected *** sac: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0000000001dc0a90 *** Segmentation fault (core dumped) *** glibc detected *** sac: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00000000009d7f60 *** … [more]
Fiona Darbyshire
2011-02-17 18:50:48 - 2011-03-22 00:04:51
Hello, Several years ago, I tried making power-spectral-density plots for noise characteristics of temporary seismograph stations, but it's been many years since I did this, and I have forgotten the details. One of my colleagues just sent me a copy of my original macro to ask me about it, and I find myself second-guessing myself as to whether I did it right originally. Here's the relevant section of the macro and my query: cut 0 1000 r 2011. cut off transfe… [more]
Ana Domingues
2011-03-18 19:45:50
Hi, I am with some problems when I'm using the transfer function. I've tried with another computer with the same version of SAC and it's working. But in my computer it appears the following error: SAC> transfer from polezero s SAC_PZs_IP_PMST_BHE__2009. to none ERROR 2110: Illegal option in POLEZERO file: I don't understand the error. Can you help me with this problem? Thanks a lot Best Regards Ana Domingues
2011-03-17 02:50:58
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Olga Joan Ktenidou
2011-03-16 21:13:17
Dear SAC community, just wondering whether anyone knoew the limit to the number of items (N) one can place in a list of this sort in a macro that uses the "do" command: do i list 1 2 3 4 5 ... N??? ....commands...... enddo Thanks a lot, olga Olga-Joan KTENIDOU IRSN/DEI/SARG/BERSSIN BP 17 - 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex Tél. ++33 (0)1 58 35 88 05
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