SAC Help

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Active Message Threads for April 2015

E. Tsakiroudi
2015-04-23 19:43:47 - 2015-04-24 20:32:44
Dear Mr. or Mrs., I am concerned about the reliability of units before and after the instrument correction.I followed this exact procedure:1)downloaded GDSN BB teleseismic waveforms of a 6.9 earthquake from Wilber3(IRIS) in a SEED file2)converted to SAC files with rdseed program and read them on SAC3)checked the header : IDEP=UNKNOWN4)used the sac command 'transfer' to remove the instrument using the extracted(from rdseed) PZfiles:transfer from polezero subtype %PZfile to vel freq 0.01 0.02 50 … [more]
LeRoy Dorman
2015-04-23 21:34:04
Milton Plasencia recommended the book "Of Poles and Zeros - By Frank Scherbaum.<;_ylu=X3oDMTE3bThnbmE5BHNlYwNvdi10b3AEY29sbwNncTEEdnRpZANZSFMwMDNfMQRwb3MDMQ--/RV=2/RE=1429828158/RO=10/… [more]
Kees Weemstra
2015-04-21 19:51:59 - 2015-04-23 08:49:37
Dear Mr/Mrs, I have a question regarding the removal of the instrument response. I possess a data set stored in the mseed format. Fortunately, a colleague of mine wrote a fortran library to read and/or filter mseed files (in CC). I am used to using SAC for my processing, but since I simply don't have the data in the SAC format, I deemed it wise to use this mseed fortran library (I am an experienced user of fortran). What we would like to achieve is to remove the instrument response ourselves … [more]
Massita Putriastuti
2015-04-22 22:32:54
Dear all, Can anyone tell me how to build SAC from the source distribution? My linux system is 32 bit so they told me to build my SAC from the source distribution. I'm a new linux user anyway. Thank you for your time. *MASSITA AYU CINDY, ST* *HIMA TG "TERRA" ITB | SEG SC ITB* *Master Program of Geophysical Engineering* *Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia*
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2015-04-20 20:54:32 - 2015-04-22 20:41:53
I had the same problem, when you install ubuntu you automatically install another program called "sac" and it is a Login accounting. the easy way is uninstall it with the ubuntu software center. And then your sac (Seismic Analysis code) is going to work fine. I hope it helps you. :-) Xio From: To: Subject: RE: [SAC-HELP] Need Help Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:51:37 +0000 I had the same problem, when you install ubuntu you automatically i… [more]
George Sand França
2015-04-21 13:25:25
Dear Cindy First unistall sac by apt-get         apt-get unistall sac         PS: sac is not SAC - Seismic Analysis Code Second install        after installation done correctly then next step is path setting in bash        export SACHOME=/usr/local/sac   (Your sac path location)        export SACAUX=$SACHOME/aux         export PATH=$SACHOME/bin:$PATH PS: You have to download SAC by IRIS site (the … [more]
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Massita Putriastuti
2015-04-21 01:06:12
*Dear all,I've installed sac-101.6a-linux_x86_64 into my Ubuntu and put it to /usr/bin/sac. I've done everything but everytime I tried to run my sac, it always appeared like this :* massita@massita-Lenovo-Ideapad-Flex-14:~$ sac Total: 21.84 over 7 days. massita@massita-Lenovo-Ideapad-Flex-14:~$ sac Total: 21.85 over 7 days. massita@massita-Lenovo-Ideapad-Flex-14:~$ sac Total: 21.85 over 7 days. massita@massita-Lenovo-Ideapad-Flex-14:~$ sac Total: 21.85 over 7 days. … [more]
Chad Trabant
2015-04-15 17:59:37
Dear Irwandi, Thank you for the report and the proposed fix. I have entered your report into the sac issue tracker. The project only has volunteer developers so I am not sure when it will be evaluated. It is very helpful that you have identified a potential fix. I am CC'ing the sac-help mailing list as this information may be useful for others as well. For future reference I recommend sending such questions directly to the list: … [more]
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08:26:25 v.af9cd46b